- Forestry Hives no longer crash the client if a player ends up inside one
- OreDict-sourced leaves and saplings from Forestry, Natura, and other mods no longer crash the client
- OreDict-sourced Forestry combs no longer crash the client
- Fixed CoFH fake players crashing the game if anyone attempts to send them a packet
- Fixed one half of the MystCraft writing desk causing the player to lose connection if interacted with
- Prevented any mod from adding null items to the loot tables, causing lookup crashes
- Fixed crash with Ichor Pouch GUI
- Fixed NEI "not an Item, ItemStack, or List<ItemStack??" crash with invalid recipes
- Fixed MystCraft color calculations not properly querying world data and Forge events
- Fixed MystCraft "Already Decorating!!" crash
- Fixed CME crashes and surplus ticks on Forestry alvearies
- Advanced AI Removed from several mobs
- Cow, Chicken, Pig, Bat, Sheep, Horse
- Reduced block update spam from EiO conduit networks that run next to changing blocks, especially ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft blocks
- Fixed MrTJP BlockUpdateHandler causing serious lag with growing blocks
- Fixed ThaumCraft 'WorldCoord' object broken
implementation causing hash collisions and performance losses
- Fixed extreme size of AE OreDict cache causing massive memory use
- World Rift OpenComputers handling removed
- Removed hopperhock filtering capability
- Fixed Forestry alvearies sometimes generating an infinite propagation of block updates
- ThaumCraft crystal clusters are no longer ticking TileEntities
- Removed compat for CraftingTweaks from BuildCraft workbench due to item dupe bug
- Fixed mineshaft minecarts rendering at extreme distances, before their parent chunks were rendering
- Massively reduced Gold Apple TiC smeltery melting yield due to changed recipes and ability to farm
- Removed 'Mimichite + X = 2*X' recipes
- Clamp Minecraft brightness setting between -10% and +100%, preventing fullbright mods
- Removed AE formation plane
- Removed Thermal Foundation OreDict lexicon
- Reduced molten coal yields to break feedback loop
General Bugfixes
- BuildCraft workbench no longer permanently jams if the output is full
- Fixed several mods' logs and leaves not appearing in the OreDictionary
- Fixed item registration timing in Thaumic Tinkerer causing recipe and OreDict parse errors
- Fixed recipe conflict between Malisis Curtains and ExU blackout curtains
- Added all MagicBees combs to the oredict 'beeComb' tag that contained Forestry and ExtraBees combs
- Removed FlatSigns in-world crafting to fix interaction with AE autocrafting of yellow wool
- Fixed AdvancedSolars panels not respecting biome rainability when calculating power output
- Fixed Gadomancy mirrored jars not connecting to the others if it was full of essentia
- Fixed Z-fighting on IE scaffolded pipes
- Fixed MystCraft rainbow rendering and flickering thereof
- Forestry butterfly lifespan now actually functions