This is a large pack with something on the order of 150 mods, many of them large and involved. Clients will likely need at least midlevel hardware to get acceptable performance, and the hosting server, if applicable, will need to be able to support a large world with a great deal of activity. If running singleplayer, you will want to meet both client and server requirements (except bandwidth).
2 or more physical cores
Clock speed of at least 3GHz
Able to safely allocate at least 5-6GB of RAM
Graphics Card
At least midrange
Avoid integrated graphics
2+ GB of VRAM recommended
4 or more physical cores
Clock speed of at least 3.5GHz
Ideal: Hyperthreading enabled
Able to allocate at least 5GB base
+256 MB per active logged-in player
Hard Drive
At least 5GB hard drive space per player, or 50GB, whichever is more
SSD ideal but not mandatory
Network connection capable of at least 10Mb/s in both directions, to handle spikes in load due to chunkloading or resync